Code Enforcement Officer: Code Enforcement Email: Code Enforcement Officer: Code Enforcement Email: |
Todd Gelayder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Joe Picheo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Code Clerk: Code Clerk Email: |
Angelina Capalbo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Phone: | 201-387-4055 x4151 |
Fax: | 201-385-7376 |
Address: |
Municipal Building |
Hours: |
Monday -Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM Tuesday and Thursday 5:30PM to 7:30PM |
Deals with non-owner occupied single family homes and all two family home registration plus handling various complaints (illegal housing, cars parking on lawns, property maintenance etc.). You may call the office directly. You can download a complaint form or Housing Registration form from this website, fill them out, and return them to the Code Enforcement Bureau.
Please do not park any vehicle on the lawn.
You will be in direct violation of Bergenfield Borough Ordinance #186-49.V.
The parking of vehicles on lawns or non-driveway areas is expressly prohibited on residential lots.
You will be issued a summons by our Code Enforcement Officer, and a mandatory court date will follow.
As per Ordinance #186-49. T(l) Any resident wishing to widen, alter or construct a driveway must apply to the Building Department for a building permit. The building application must be submitted with a copy of a survey and a sketch, with details of the project and a list of the materials to be used.
Attention Home Owners!
The Governing body of Bergenfield had passed an ordinance in 2003 to require the annual registration and inspection of all residential non-owner occupied single family dwellings and all two family dwellings even if owner occupied. The Ordinance also requires the installation of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers in those units. The fee for registration and inspection is to insure the safety of all persons living in the home. Registration forms are available in the Code Enforcement Bureau office in the Borough Hall, on this website or by calling 201-387-4055 ext. 4151. Following are highlights of the ordinance, for complete information and any questions, please contact the Code Enforcement Bureau.
As a resident if you suspect a potential violation to this Ordinance, please contact the Code Enforcement Bureau. All information will be kept confidential. Click below to download form: |
Illegal Housing
To date, a number of illegal apartments have been forced to reconvert back to their former uses. While there is no bounty paid for tips, there is still a financial benefit. Remember, the cost is a substantial amount which continues to rise each year to educate an illegal student in our school system to say nothing of the additional burden on all other Borough services. Tips are allowed to be anonymous so please do not hesitate to call.