Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Borough Hall is open for business Monday through Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm, however you must call and schedule and appointment with the Department you wish to do business with.
Police & Police Records: please call 201-387-4000
Borough Hall: please call 201-387-4055 followed by the following extension:
- Administration - Ext. # 6
- Accounts Payable - Ext. # 8
- Borough Clerk - Ext. # 6
- Building Department - Ext. # 4
- Court - Ext. # 2
- Dept. of Public Works - Ext. # 3
- Fire Prevention - Ext. # 4174
- Health Department - Ext. # 5
- Mayor's Office - Ext. # 6
- Recreation - Ext. # 9
- Tax Assessor - Ext. # 7
- Tax Collector - Ext. # 7
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you however we all need to understand the severity of this matter and the importance of doing what we can do to protect both the public and our employees.
Corey Gallo, Borough Administrator