John Pampaloni, DPW Supervisor of Sewers, wants residents to be aware of the guidelines set forth in "Solutions to Stormwater Pollution: Easy Things You Can Do Every Day To Protect Our Water", which is now downloadable here .
News from Bergenfield: Notices, Announcements, & Community Events
Halloween Parade - Saturday, October 31
The Bergenfield Recreation Committee and the Bergenfield Community Center Building Fund invite you to the Halloween Parade at its new location:
Sunday, October 31, Bergenfield High School track (in case of rain, report to BHS rear gym)
Registration 9:00 a.m. - Parade starts 9:30 a.m.
Awards to age groups toddler through 3; 4 through 6; 7 through 8; 9 through 12; Best Costume. Goodie bags for children in costume!
Local food drive for individuals and families in need
There will be a Food Drive on Sunday, October 11, from 11:00 am to 3:00 p.m., to aid local individuals and families in need. The drive is sponsored through a partnership between the Bergenfield Community Center Building Fund (BCCBF) and the new AAMCO of Bergenfield, and will take place at 233 S. Washington Avenue.
Notice of Mayor & Council Special Meeting on Tuesday, September 22
There will be a Special Meeting of the Bergenfield Mayor and Council on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. to Award Bid for Boiler Replacement and To Approve Payment of Bills.
Town-Wide Garage Sale on Saturday, October 10
Town-Wide Garage Sale sponsored by Ladies VFW Auxiliary Post 6467 on October 10, 2009, raindate October 11th. $15 registration fee includes participant's name and address, map detailing locations, and advertising and press releases by auxiliaries. Deadline for entries is October 1st . Registration forms available at Borough Hall or by calling 201 265-8871.
New Bridge Road Bridge temporary closing beginning October 15
According to Captain Thomas Yurkin, this County project must be completed as the culvert is failing and needs immediate attention. Detour signs will be erected in order for motorists to navigate through the area. The detour route will increase traffic on S. Washington Avenue, Woodbine Street, Windsor Road, W. Clinton Avenue, and S. Prospect Avenue, Yurkin added. Motorists have the choice of utilizing W. Clinton Avenue or the State Street Bridge in Teaneck in order to avoid the project location. Motorists should allow additional time when traveling in these areas of town. Local businesses on New Bridge Road will remain open as this project will not require roads to be closed affecting any businesses. Motorists will still be able to drive to a business on New Bridge Road, they just have to detour around the closed bridge.
Once completed, not only will the new bridge be a benefit, but the addition of an eastbound lane from Windsor Road to the entrance of Pathmark allowing motorists to travel directly into the Pathmark lot. The project also calls for new traffic signals at the intersection of New Bridge Road and Windsor Road, providing a safer intersection for pedestrians, Yurkin explained.
As more information is received regarding this road closure, the Borough website will be updated.
Motorists requiring any additional information should contact the Bergenfield Police Department Traffic Bureau at 201-387-4000 ext. 4008.
Car Show on Sunday, Sept. 13 at BHS
The Bergenfield Community Center Building Fund is sponsoring a Car Show on Sunday, September 13 at Bergenfield High School from 12-5pm, with fun, food, prizes, and DJ music. General admission is $5.
Garden Club Mum Sale on Saturday, Sept. 12
The Garden Club of Bergenfield will be conducting their Mum Sale on Saturday, September 12 at Cooper's Pond Park.
Patriot Day ceremony on September 11
The Patriot Day Ceremony honoring our soldiers, firefighters, police officers, ambulance workers, and emergency workers and emergency service personnel, and those who enrich our country with acts of service and sacrifice, will be held on Friday, September 11 at Cooper's Pond Park at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor & Council Special Work Session on Tues., Aug. 25
Notices and Announcements
Coronavirus Information
Updates on the impact of the COVID-19 / 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("Coronavirus Disease") upon the Bergenfield community, and the actions the Borough is taking
DPW Notices
News from the Bergenfield Department of Public Works
Health Department Notices
News from the Bergenfield Health Department
Library Notices
News from the Bergenfield Public Library
OEM Notices
News from the Bergenfield Office of Emergency Management
Recreation Notices
News from the Bergenfield Recreation Department
Tax Office Notices
News from the Bergenfield Tax Office
Mayor's Message
Periodic messages from Bergenfield Mayor Arvin Amatorio
Bergenfield 125th Anniversary
Check here for updates and information about our 125 anniversary celebration events & activities.