News from Bergenfield: Notices, Announcements, & Community Events
Tips for hurricane season in New Jersey
The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM) has some important information regarding this hurricane season.
Hurricane season runs from approximately June 1 through November 20, but as demonstrated by the 2005 season (including Hurricane Katrina) this time frame can vary. For New Jersey, the peak time for hurricanes and tropical storms runs from mid-August through the end of October.
NJOEM recommends the following readiness steps:
· "Get a Kit" of emergency supplies – the items that will help you stay self-sufficient for up to three days (72 hours), if needed.
· "Make a Plan" for what you and your family will do during an emergency – this includes knowing how to evacuate and how to Shelter-in-Place.
· "Stay Informed" of possible threats – especially during Hurricane Season. Tune in to your local media outlets for the latest breaking weather news. In the event of an emergency, a battery powered radio is a great tool.
Additional information on the hurricane season is available at
Notice from the Tax Collector's Office about Third-Quarter Taxes
The third quarter taxes are going to be mailed in about two weeks. We do not have the tax rate yet. The due date will be 25 days after the mailing date. Thank you.
Bergenfield Tax Collector
"Mystery Mavens" at the Bergenfield Library
From the Friends of the Bergenfield Library:
October 4, 2009, 2:00-4:00 pm "Mystery Mavens": four mystery authors
Admission $10, members $8
Rescheduling of August Work Session
The August Work Session of the Bergenfield Mayor and Council originally scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2009 has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
26th annual National Night Out
August 4, 2009 5 p.m.
Police-Fire-EMS-Community Partnerships, Neighborhood Safety, Awareness and Cooperation are important themes of the "National Night Out".
The Bergenfield Police Department, Fire Department, Ambulance Corps and Auxiliary Police invite the community to Memorial Park on Tuesday, August 4th at 5 pm to promote cooperative police-commmunity crime prevention and public safety efforts.
Health Officer offers tips on suburban rat control
by Dave Volpe, Bergenfield Health Officer
There is only one type of rat that you will find in Bergen County, and that is the Norway rat (which isn't from Norway either!). The size of this rodent is often exaggerated due to many people's fear of rats. Norway rats do not grow "as large as a cat." If you see an animal that size, you are probably looking at an opossum or a muskrat.
Bergenfield Senior Picnic
Summer Recreation Program registration
The Summer Recreation Program will be starting on June 29, 2009 at Memorial Park. Signups are June 13, 10-12noon and Wednesday, June 17, 7-9 pm at Memorial Park. After June 18, you can sign up with the Recreation Department Secretary at Borough Hall.
After Monday, June 29, registrations will be done at Memorial Park.SACC Summer Camp
Bergenfield SACC's Summer Camp is a child care program 8am-6pm each day at Memorial Park. Call Kathy Moore, Director, for more information at 201-385-2732
Notices and Announcements
Coronavirus Information
Updates on the impact of the COVID-19 / 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("Coronavirus Disease") upon the Bergenfield community, and the actions the Borough is taking
DPW Notices
News from the Bergenfield Department of Public Works
Health Department Notices
News from the Bergenfield Health Department
Library Notices
News from the Bergenfield Public Library
OEM Notices
News from the Bergenfield Office of Emergency Management
Recreation Notices
News from the Bergenfield Recreation Department
Tax Office Notices
News from the Bergenfield Tax Office
Mayor's Message
Periodic messages from Bergenfield Mayor Arvin Amatorio
Bergenfield 125th Anniversary
Check here for updates and information about our 125 anniversary celebration events & activities.