BERGENFIELD, NJ -- Members of the community came out this Sunday in an effort to help keep Bergenfield clean by picking up litter in Coopers Pond Park. Residents joined Mayor Amatorio, Bergen County Commissioner Tracy Zur and Councilman Marc Pasual for the event where tree seedlings were also given out.
“I would like to thank all of the residents that came out to support our work to keep Bergenfield clean and free of litter,” said Mayor Amatorio. “We live in a beautiful community and it is imperative that we do everything that we can to make sure that our Borough remains that way.”
Supplies such as gloves, pickers and safety vests were distributed by the Bergenfield DPW. These supplies were purchased through a Clean Communities grant which is administered by the New Jersey Clean Communities Council.
“This Sunday was a tremendous success and we were able to pick up over 10 bags of litter in just a couple of hours,” said Councilman and Shade Tree Committee Liaison Marc Pascual. “Our DPW does a great job keeping Bergenfield clean however, it is up to all of us to ensure that we do not litter and that we treat our neighborhoods well.”
Residents had the opportunity to take free tree seedlings during the event to be planted at home. The seedlings offered included Black Gum, Mockernut Hickory, Pin Oak, White Flowering Dogwood, and White Pine.
There are still free tree seedlings available. Residents may contact the Bergenfield DPW Office to make arrangements to receive seedlings: Mon-Fri 7am-3:30pm, phone 201-387-4055 option 3, email
During the event, DPW Superintendent Phil Neville was on hand to answer all of the participants’ tree questions: which tree would be right for them, what area and type of soil to plant in, how to plant, how big the tree would grow, how to care for it as it grows, etc. Mr. Neville has over 30 years of experience in the tree care industry and is a New Jersey Certified Tree Expert (NJCTE). Mr. Neville is also the Bergenfield Shade Tree Committee’s professional consultant.
The Bergenfield Clean Communities program holds a few volunteer litter cleanups in public spaces throughout the year that are open to all members of the community. In between the litter cleanups open to all, any community group is welcome to contact the Bergenfield DPW Office to set up a cleanup for their group.