Monday, September 5 - No pickup. Public Works off.
- Tuesday September 6 - Garbage in 2nd & 4th Quadrant. Newspapers in the 2th Quadrant.
- Wednesday, September 7 - Garbage in 1st & 3rd Quadrant. Newspapers in the 1st Quadrant. Business cardboard pickup in town.
- Thursday, September 8 - Garbage in 2ud & 4th Quadrant. Newspapers in the 3rd Quadrant.
- Friday, September 9 - Garbage in 1st & 3rd Quadrant. Newspapers in the 4th Quadrant.
Grass & Vegetation - Put out in 32 gallon garbage cans or biodegradable paper bags; NOT in the street.
Storm Damage - Large branches: Get to the curb, NOT in the street. Public Works Department will be coming around.
Any questions, call 201-387-4055, ext. 3.