198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055


Cell Phone Law

Effective March 1, 2008, the new cell phone law makes it a primary offense for motorists to talk on or text message with a wireless telephone or other device while driving. Statute 39:4-97.3. $130.00 fine is payable through violations bureau or www.NJMCDirect.com.


Updates on the impact of the COVID-19 / 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("Coronavirus Disease") upon the Bergenfield community, and the actions the Borough is taking

News from the Bergenfield Department of Public Works

News from the Bergenfield Health Department

News from the Bergenfield Public Library

News from the Bergenfield Office of Emergency Management

News from the Bergenfield Recreation Department

News from the Bergenfield Tax Office

Periodic messages from Bergenfield Mayor Arvin Amatorio

Check here for updates and information about our 125 anniversary celebration events & activities.